Appendix IX: Texas A&M University Smoke-Free Rules
(Revised: 2014)
Texas A&M University has a vital interest in maintaining a healthy and safe environment for its students, faculty, staff and visitors. This rule identifies university property where smoking and tobacco use is restricted.
Smoking shall have the meaning specified in System Policy 34.05 Smoking.
Tobacco means all forms of tobacco products including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookah), bidis, kreteks, electronic cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff and chewing tobacco.
University Property means property located in the State of Texas that is owned, operated, leased, occupied or under the administrative control of the President of Texas A&M University. For purposes of this rule, this includes but is not limited to all grounds, buildings and structures, sidewalks, parking lots, walkways, and all vehicles owned, leased or rented by Texas A&M University.
I. Guidelines
- Housing and athletic facilities. Texas A&M University owned and leased housing (apartments, residence halls), and all indoor air space of University owned athletic facilities and outdoor public seating areas in athletic arenas will be smoke-free.
- Eating areas. Eating areas (dining halls, cafeterias, food courts, snack bars, University Club) will be smoke-free and tobacco-free.
- Buildings and Vehicles. All other buildings, entrances to buildings, and vehicles, owned or leased under the administrative purview of the President of Texas A&M University will be entirely smoke-free and tobacco-free. This rule will apply to all indoor air space including foyers, entryways and classrooms, individual faculty and administrative offices, and sidewalks, parking lots, walkways, and attached parking structures immediately adjacent to all such buildings and structures.
- On approval of the President, the smoking and tobacco restrictions described in this rule my be expanded to include all University Property in order to establish a tobacco-free campus.
II. Responsibilities
- It is the responsibility of all members of the campus community, including visitors, to observe these requirements. This rule relies on the thoughtfulness, consideration and cooperation of smokers and tobacco-users for its success. Those violating this rule should be reminded of this rule and asked to comply.
- Department heads or others with purview over facilities shall ensure that the rule is communicated to everyone who occupies space in the facility.
- The Vice President of Administration will provide signage upon request and Transportation Services will provide notice for University vehicles.
- Violations of this rule may result in corrective action as prescribed by system policies and regulations, and university rules and procedures. Visitors refusing to comply may be asked to leave campus.
III. Miscellaneous
Texas A&M University is committed to supporting all students and employees who wish to stop using tobacco products. Information on tobacco and smoking are provided through links at and through the Counseling and Psychological Services at
IV. Related Statutes, Policies, or Requirements
- Supplements System policy 34.05, Smoking
- Texas Penal Code § 48.01. Smoking Tobacco
- Texas Labor Code § 411.103. Duty of Employer to Provide Safe Workplace
- 28 Texas Administrative Code § 34.303, Adopted Standards (Adopts by rule applicable chapters of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Life Safety Code 101 (2006 Edition))
- 25 Texas Administrative Code, § Section 703.20
- Contact Office: Office of Risk, Ethics and Compliance